Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

All about SMA Negeri 2 Sekayu (Students Project)

This video was created by one of group as their project. It tells information about SMA Negeri 2 Sekayu. This is one of students project that is used to introduce SMA Negeri 2 Sekayu to Eastern Flerieu School K1-K12, South Australia in Building Relationship Intercultural Through Dialoque and Growing Engagement (BRIDGE) Program.

Students and Teachers in Eastern Fleurieu School was astonished when see this video. They don't expect that there's good school in Indonesia. Surprisingly, after seeing this video, elementary school students in Eastern Fleurieu asked her teacher to let her make this type of video about Eastern Fleurieu and send it to Our students in SMA Negeri 2 Sekayu. "One step that inspire the others"

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